Ear wax removal using the latest technology

by Jason levy

Posted on 03-08-2021 12:24 AM

Wax removal by micro suction

Micro suction is a very safe procedure for removing earwax, but it is understandable that some people may be a little nervous about doing it for the first time. It is 100 times safer than irrigation, and although it can be a little noisy, it is very gentle on the ear, as it uses medical suction that is normally used on the lungs, which are very sensitive. ear+wax+removal Having previously worked in emergency medicine, Mary knows exactly how to put you at ease, and before you know it, the procedure is complete and you can hear again.

At edgware: microsuction: ear wax removal london nw7, only converging handheld microscopes are used, which greatly enhance the safety of the procedure by providing a 3D perspective right down to the eardrum.

When you use our services, you can be confident that your earwax will be removed quickly and by one of our audiologists. The procedure is usually completed within minutes and most people find it easy and pleasant.

Earwax removal by Microsuction in the UK

This procedure is the safest way to remove earwax, as the professional can see everything you are doing during the removal. Unlike the old method of syinging or ear irrigation, where ear wax is removed without seeing the ear canal, microsuction allows the ear canal and ear wax to be seen directly under a microscope while it is being removed. This makes the procedure much faster, safer and more comfortable for the patient. Other advantages of this type of cerumen removal include:

Microsuction is a very effective way to remove earwax.

  • There are several different treatments to remove earwax. The main treatments are:
  • Ear drops  drops applied several times a day for a few days to soften the earwax and allow it to fall out on its own.
  • There is therefore no need for the user to feel comfortable.
  • Microscopic suction: a quick and painless procedure that uses a small device to suck earwax out of the ear

Better than ear syringes! At Microsuction Ear Wax Removal Network, we only use microsuction to remove ear wax. Ear syringing (now known as "irrigation"), is offered in fewer and fewer medical practices due to the complications it can cause. You may have experienced ear irrigation several times without any problems.

Suffering from earwax problems and don't like water irrigation earwax injections? Then contact one of our licensed and qualified audiologists who perform ear wax removal by micro aspiration. They will examine your ear with a procedure called otoscopy, where they will perform a thorough examination and determine the full extent of your earwax problem.

The otoscopy also provides information about the condition and health of your ears, and the audiologist can determine whether it is safe to proceed with microaspiration. If the otoscopy reveals a problem that makes microaspiration unsafe, our earwax removal specialist will discuss with you what other options may be available to you.

Wax can be annoying and prevent you from achieving your best hearing. Attempting to remove a blockage yourself at home can make the situation worse. The Earwax removal Network offers ear wax removal in London and surrounding areas at one of our clinics such as Radlett and Hitchin. We use ear irrigation or endoscopic micro aspiration to remove ear wax. Both are safe and gentle methods of removing excess ear wax and restoring hearing.

Treatment of earwax blockage

Your ear is a delicate organ that requires careful and gentle treatment for earwax blockage. If you experience unexplained ear pain, discomfort, hearing problems or any other symptoms that may indicate earwax build-up, you should see your doctor or Audiologist specialist for an examination. You should rely on your doctor to suggest the safest and most appropriate treatment for your particular case, rather than attempting to treat the condition yourself.

To determine if you have an earwax blockage, one of our specialists will use a lighted instrument called an otoscope to magnify the inner ear and look for any blockage or obstruction. After diagnosing the problem, they can use one of several different earwax removal treatment options at Layton or Bountiful.

Even if you practise good ear hygiene, avoid cotton buds and limit the use of earplugs and earphones, excess earwax can build up over time and affect both your hearing and the overall health of your ear.

During an earwax removal treatment, we may: perform a preliminary examination to determine the presence and extent of earwax blockage. Painless, manual removal with gentle instruments, assisted by an audiologist using a wax removal procedure called microsuction.

If you notice any of the above symptoms, you should make an appointment with an audiologist. Professional wax removal is the safest way to get rid of congestion.

At The Earwax removal Network, we offer earwax removal using the microaspiration method. These methods must be performed by an audiologist, as home treatments can lead to further blockage, infection or even perforation of the eardrum.

We are a network of ear wax removal clinics run by audiologists. An audiologist is "a healthcare professional trained to evaluate hearing loss and related disorders, such as tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and to rehabilitate people with hearing loss and related disorders. "If you think you have an earwax blockage but it turns out you don't, we can also carry out hearing tests and give impartial, independent advice on the best treatment."

Sometimes earwax gets stuck and lodged.

How We Treat hearing loss.

Treating hearing loss can sometimes be as simple as cleaning your ears. Earwax can get stuck and press on the eardrum, which can affect hearing. Earwax, a waxy substance secreted in the ear canal, serves to clean the skin of the ear canal and protect it from debris, bacteria and water. Over time, earwax can build up in the ear canal, harden and become clogged, even if efforts are made to remove it. Using a cotton swab can make the situation worse, as it pushes the wax further in. This build-up may not be noticeable, but can cause temporary hearing loss. We can safely remove earwax.

To find out more, visit one of our Earwax removal Clinics North London.