Why Do We get Earwax?

by Jason levy

Posted on 09-08-2021 01:07 AM

Why do we get earwax?

The Senior Audiologist of the Microsuction earwax removal Network answer the queation by saying" Because the ear canal produces earwax in the ear canal the lining of the canal".

The ears produce wax to lubricate and protect the ear canal. The ear canal is the tube that connects the middle ear to the outside of the ear.Earwax protects the ear from bacteria, infection and damage caused by water or trauma. The wax that forms in the ear canal naturally moves out of the ear and falls out. In some cases, the ear may produce too much earwax. If the wax is causing problems or preventing the doctor from seeing inside the ear, the excess wax can be removed.

When you use our services, you can be confident that your earwax will be removed safely, quickly and by someone you trust. The procedure is usually completed within minutes and most people find it easy and pleasant. This procedure is the safest method to remove earwax, as the audiologist can see everything you are doing during the removal. Unlike syringing, where ear wax is removed without seeing the ear canal, usuning microsuction also enables the ear canal and ear wax to be visble under a microscope during ht removal precedure.

This makes the procedure much faster, safer and more comfortable for the patient. Other advantages of this type of ear wax removal include:

Wax is usually removed with a microscope.

earwax removal near meWax usually falls out of its own accord. If it does not fall out and clogs the ear, put two or three drops of olive oil in the ear twice a day for a few days. Within two weeks, the earwax clusters should come out of the ear, especially at night when you go to bed. There is no evidence that ear candles or ear aspirators remove earwax and therefore should NOT be attempted under any circumstances..

To understand why you don't need to clean your ears yourself, you first need to understand why you have earwax in the first place. This nasty looking mucus, medically called cerumen, is actually there as natures own way of protecting your inner ear. "Actually, earwax is there to keep the ear canal clean," says Douglas Backous, M.D., chair of the American Academy of Otolaryngology (aao-hnsf) Hearing Committee and director of the Division of Hearing Surgery at the Neuroscience Institute in Seattle.

Ear wax (cerumen) is a natural substance that has many beneficial properties. It inhibits the growth of bacteria. It also prevents small particles of dust and dirt from getting into the ear canal.

Hearing loss is differentiated according to the part of the hearing that is affected. There are only generally three types: normal hearing loss, sensorineural primary hearing loss and general hearing loss. Hhearing loss quite often occurs when sound reaches the inner ear at a reduced volume. Causes can include Ear infections, fluid within the middle ear due to normal colds , flu and other normal allergies, earwax, foreign bodies in the middle ear, earwax wax, foreign bodies in the ear, a perforated eardrum, a benign tumour or an ear infection.

Removing earwax

Wax is a perfectly natural substance produced by glands in the skin of the ear canal. Earwax serves as a useful lining for the ear canal, so it does not need to be removed. However, in cases of blockage or excessive build-up, it may be necessary to attempt to remove the affected or excessive wax. Excessive earwax build-up can be caused by small objects such as hearing aids, bobby pins, earphones, ear buds, cotton buds, etc. being inserted into the ears. This pushes earwax into the ear canal. Never stick anything in your ear, not even cotton buds.

Never ever Put anything in your ear, not even cotton buds.

Hydrogen peroxide is perhaps the most commonly used substance in earwax removal products for many years. Researchers at a found that while earwax rinsing is one of the most common treatments, ear drops may be the most cost-effective way to treat earwax build-up. In a recent study published in the journal Australian Family Doctors, researchers advocated ear drops as a first-line treatment to help ears clean themselves. Earwax rinses or the use of water to remove earwax can often lead to complications. The use of ear drops generally offers less room for error and is considered a safer option.

We specialise in microsuction to remove ear blockages. We offer microsuction and home visits in the North London area. Microsuction is still considered the safest and most efficent method as it does not require medical interventions or soaking in oil for long periods. The procedure usually takes only a few minutes per ear. Microsuctionis is definately a safe, effective, painless and irrigation-free method of removing any excess earwax.

Did you know that earwax build-up is one of the main causes of hearing aids losing performance?
Every hearing solution in your home and everywhere else in the world inevitably comes into contact with earwax, and there's nothing you can do about it. If you take the trouble to clean your hearing aids regularly with a (dry) cotton swab or a soft toothbrush, you can gently remove earwax and other debris. Don't forget to clean both the microphone and the earpiece.

Private ear wax removal in London at our microsuction clinic in the Marylebone district offers private ear wax removal in the NW1 district as well as most areas within central London. We use micro suction to remove ear wax becuase it is considred to be the safest method for ear-wax removal. As an alternative to micro-suction, we can also offer our clients dry removal using an instrument but microsuction is still the most used as it is considered the safest and most affective method.

Too much earwax can affect your hearing. It can cause itching. In rare cases, it can also be painful. Earwax should only be removed if it is causing a problem. You should not insert objects into your ear to remove earwax unless your doctor advises you to do so. Ear wax can be safely removed by healthcare professionals. It is important that you remain still during the procedure to avoid damage to the ear canal. Ear wax removal is usually painless. Generally, no anaesthesia or painkillers are needed when the doctor removes earwax.

Problems caused by earwax

A study at one of the colleges of Edinburgh Univesity some time ago found that ear irrigation with water procedure does not work very well, that the risk of ear infection is high and that in some cases perforation of the eardrum was possible.

Based on the results of the study, it was decided that the procedure was not safe enough, so most health professionals switched to cerumen removal it was decided that the procedure was not safe enough, so most healthcare professionals switched to cerumen removal by Microsuction at that time.

It is perfectly normal to have ear wax as long as it is produced in the necessary quantity and does not cause any problems however if you are suffering form hearing loss and feel that you could benefit from treatment to remove it then contact The Microsuction Earwax removal network clinic near you and make an appointment the see one of our qualified and experinced Audiologists who will examine your ear and offer a course of action that is safe and healthy to resolve your issues or concerns.

Visit our earwax removal network website at https://www.earwaxremoval.net/microsuction-clinic-locations/